

So I figure updating about three times a year is good right? I'll try to get better. Well let's try to sum up the last 6 months of what's gone on at the Caskey's.

First, and most important, we're expecting a little boy due May 1st! We're so excited. Kaelyn is obsessed with babies too, so she's excited as well. I decided I'd break the news to my Mom by putting the announcement in Kaelyn's diaper. Grandma Lesli is such a quick diaper changer she didn't even notice the note!

Exhibit A

Kaelyn at the park. She loves the swings although she's fallen out on numerous occasions.

She has gotten to be quite the little rascal. Here she is watching The Grinch while I did the dishes. I knew something was wrong when things got a little too quiet. I'm pretty sure she got through this entire tube of lipstick in under 30 seconds. Not fun to clean out of the carpet, but I'm glad it came out!

Kaelyn and baby Jack! Kaelyn loves this little guy! Probably because he always has a smile plastered to his face and he's such a happy boy. We're going to miss him and his family while they are in Dominica.

Grandpa and baby Jack the night before heading out to the island.

Jack and Crew got Pillow Pets for the airplane ride. Lucky ducks!

Hugs goodbye :(

I'm going to miss this cuddly creature!

Christmas eve in the new jammies...

Christmas day. Kaelyn already acting like a grown up and rolling her eyes at the hard work she has to do.

Shopping cart!

Cute Crew. He is such a funny kid. I'm sure his singing will be missed by everyone!

Broc, Crystal, Crew and Jack headed out to Dominica at the end of December and Broc has since started medical school. He is attending Ross. It was sad to see them go, but the have so much to look forward to down there, and so many new things to try out! I'm a little (a lot) jealous, aside from the extra bugs! Good luck guys!

In other news, Brock got a promotion with Walmart and we are now living in Billings, MT. So far we really like it here. The people are very friendly and the weather is a bit warmer than Idaho Falls. Brock is liking his new position and the new store, but he's still getting know everyone there. The ward is awesome and everyone has been really welcoming. We miss our place in Idaho Falls but we're so happy that we like it here. I need to put up some pics of the new house but there are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked! We are renting a 6 bedroom home here, which means you are required to come visit. We live about a block from a nice lake and park, so I'm excited for the summer!

Kaelyn is 18 months old now, but I swear she's two. She's got the tantrums down to an art. I'm doing my best to combat them like I should (ignoring them), but any advice would be welcome!


  1. Chels, thanks for posting those pics. I love them! Miss seeing you and little squealer every day! Hope you guys are getting settled in ok. I want to see pics of the new house! Love ya!

  2. omgeesh. You LEFT?! Congrats on your cute baby boy! And where do you get Kaelyn's cute clothes?? Seriously. I want to know.

  3. That lipstick is a good shade on her! ;) what a mess! Glad you were able to get it out! And I agree, she DOES have the cutest clothes! I'm glad you finally posted, can't wait to see that new house of yours!! (wow, that was alot of explanation points! I guess I'm just that excited! =))

  4. Congrats on the baby boy! :) That's awesome! I had no idea you guys are in Billings! That's crazy!! I'm glad things are going so well though!

  5. Congratulations on your little boy on the way!! That is so exciting! Montana huh? I bet it's beautiful... I can't wait to see more pics... you look so great!! The little belly is SO cute!! I know, one of these days we really do need to get together if/when we're both in Utah at the same time :) SO happy for you guys!!
