
Parenting 101

Just kidding! I can't give any advice on parenting. But I have learned a lot about parenting (though not nearly enough!). Things like, 1) it's hard, and 2) you shouldn't judge that mom in the grocery store whose child has no shirt on outside in the middle of winter. Some children are just uncontrollable and they have to learn their lesson! (i.e. Kaelyn). Anyway, I have been thinking lately about one of the hard things about being a parent. One of those things is not laughing at inappropriate behavior. A couple of Kaelyn's latest ignoring-mom techniques can be interpreted as funny or naughty. Any time Kaelyn has done something she shouldn't and I ask her about it, or any time I ask her to do something (pick up her toys), she becomes mute. She pretends her lips are glued together and she's trying really hard to talk, with her cheeks puffed out and her hands in the air, but unable to help. An alternative to becoming mute is narcolepsy. The moment
she is to be reprimanded, she hits the floor and begins snoring. It's amazing. How did our parents do it?
Can you even imagine any sass from this face?

I want to hear some stories about your kids, because then I can laugh and not feel like its bad parenting. Thanks.


  1. Ha! I love this post! Sorry I don't have any advice. I'm just new at this parenting thing:)

  2. Remember when Liv does the same thing except she tells me and I quote "I am too tired to clean my room," or "I'm sad," when I ask what she is sad about she usually says "I'm sad about Jesus, "Or I'm sad about mommy and daddy." she is going through this pouting phase...drives me crazy. And she likes to do the exact opposite of what I ask her to do. And punishments of any sort, don't do a thing to this girl. This week has been out of control. On the flip side, she is getting so imaginative and she is pretending all the time it's the cutest, oh and she is not wasting any more of our money on diapers so that's a plus. Parenting is hard, love her though.

  3. hahhaha. Sometimes the things they do are COMPLETELY unacceptable and all I can do is turn around and laugh as quietly as possible so they don't know that I think it's hysterical. I wish I could see your little helpless mute!

  4. Wish I had some stories for ya....give it time I'm sure ;) Though I will say kaelyn's are hilarious! Not something you don't know....but I hope it gets easier! Glad to know parenting is still hard for you 2 1/2 years later....makes me feel a little more secure that I'm not alone in that thinking! haha

  5. You are an amazing parent Chels :) Your kids are pretty dang lucky to have you!!

  6. Way cute blog Chels! I hope I can see you sometime soon!! Your sweet Kaelyn and Isaac are adorable!
